Wednesday, November 23, 2016



The founder of Zarfund is Hannes Jordaan. He is from South Africa and has started this company for the sole purpose of helping people like you and me to succeed in making money online.

Register and donate 0.03BTC. Invite 2 people

BTC represents bitcoins and 1bitcoin = $738

Level-1: Get 2x0.03= 0.06BTC (0.06btc = $44.8)
(Upgrade with 0.05)

Level-2: Get 4x0.05= 0.2 BTC. (0.2btc = $147)
(Upgrade with 0.1 BTC)

Level-3: Get 8x0.1= 0.8 BTC. (0.8btc = $590)
(Upgrade with 0.2 BTC)

Level-4: Get 16x0.2BTC= 3.2 BTC. (3.2btc = $2361)
(Upgrade with 1 BTC)

Level-5: Get 32x1BTC= 32 BTC. (32btc = $23610)
(Upgrade with 2 BTC)

Level-6: Get 64x2BTC= 128 BTC. (128btc = $94,440)

After joining you have only 24 hrs to upgrade your account with 0.03BTC (BTC only), if not your account will be deleted by the system automatically.

Please ensure to upgrade within 24 hrs.

Summary of your gain in Naira

Donate N12,500
Level 1 -: Receive N12,500 from 2 referrals (your two direct referrals) = 25,000 (donate N20,830 to upgrade)
Gain N4,167

Level 2 -: Receive N20,830 from 4 referrals (paid by your referrals referrals) N83,330 (donate N41,665 to upgrade).
Gain N41,665

Level 3 -: Receive N41,665k from 8 referrals (paid by your referrals referrals) = N333k (donate N83k to upgrade).
Gain 250k

Level 4 -: Receive 83k from 16 referrals (paid by your referrals referrals) = 1.3M (donate 416k to upgrade).
Gain 883k

Level 5 -: Receive 350k from 32 referrals (paid by your referrals referrals) = 13.3M (donate 832k to upgrade).
Gain 12.5M

Level 6 -: Receive 700k from 64 referrals (paid by your referrals referrals) = 53.2M

Summary of your gain in Bitcoins
*Level 1-* Its say you are to have 2 Referrals that will pay 0.03btc into your account.
*Potential:* is the total amount you will receive after they pay, that is 0.06btc
You will upgrade with 0.05btc and it will remain 0.01btc in your account.....

*Level 2-* Its say you are to have 4 Referrals (Your Downline referrals) that will pay 0.05btc into your account.
*Potential:* is the total amount you will receive after they pay, that is 0.20btc
You will upgrade with 0.10btc and it will remain 0.10btc in your account.....

*Level 3-* Its say you are to have 8 Referrals (Your Downline referrals) that will pay 0.1btc into your account.
*Potential:* is the total amount you will receive after they pay, that is 0.8btc
You will upgrade with 0.2btc and it will remain 0.6btc in your account.....

*Level 4-* Its say you are to have 16 Referrals (Your Downline referral) that will pay 0.2btc into your account.
*Potential:* is the total amount you will receive after they pay, that is 3.2btc
You will upgrade with 1btc and it will remain 2.2btc in your account.....

*Level 5-* Its say you are to have 32 Referrals (Your downline referrals) that will pay 1btc into your account.
*Potential:* is the total amount you will receive after they pay, that is 32btc
You will upgrade with 2btc and it will remain 30btc in your account.....

*Level 6-* Its say you are to have 64 Referrals that will pay 2btc into your account.
*Potential:* is the total amount you will receive after they pay, that is 128bttc
Received: 0.00, that means nobody has paid
There is no upgrade that is the final stage.

*Level 1* Profit after upgrading is *0.01btc*
*Level 2* Profit after upgrading is *0.10btc*
*Level 3* Profit after upgrading   is *0.6btc*
*Level 4* Profit after upgrading is *2.2btc*
*Level 5* Profit after upgrading is *30btc*
*Level 6* and final Profit is *128btc*
Your profits are in your account and can be withdrawn anything

To join this business, you need 0.03btc which is $21.3 and 2 direct downlines, that’s all. The others once are your downlines’ referrals...

How To Start

Step 1: Open a wallet in
Your wallet serves as the account where you rmake and recieve payments.

Step 2: Fund the wallet with 0.03btc(12,500). You can buy bitcoins from nairex, naira4dollar or anyone around you who sells. make enquiries.
The money will be needed for you to donate to your uplink

Step 3: Register with Zarfund by clicking the button at the end of the page...

Please follow the below video tutorials for better understanding. Knowledge is wealth




Click the below link to register

Click Here for WhatsApp group discussion


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